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I am excited to announce the first release of my desktop application, FindMyFlix! FindMyFlix uses Python, Tkinter, and the WatchMode API to query over 200 streaming services for information regarding various movies and TV shows. The platform is updated daily to ensure real-time data and accurate reporting. Information is presented in an intuitive and easy-to-understand manner.

When I went into the summer, I knew that I wanted to learn more about Python, GUIs, and APIs, and FindMyFlix became the perfect way to combine all three of these into a useful service. Creating this application over a couple of months was an entirely self-motivated and self-directed endeavor. Through my work, I have gained hands-on experience regarding the development life cycle, industry software standards, and navigation of unfamiliar programming environments. Most importantly, the application is chiefly meant to be an opportunity for me to be creative and demonstrate newfound personal knowledge acquired within the 2022 summer. While FindMyFlix was developed during the same time frame as my Corecentra internship, they are not related, and I managed my time efficiently to fulfill both obligations.

The code for this project is free and open-source under the GNU Public License, and it can be found here. The source repository also includes documentation, as well as a list of known bugs. Any questions about this project or its development process can be sent to me here.

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