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Over the 2023 Spring Academic Term, I worked with a small group of my peers to develop a cross-platform, responsive web application from scratch. While there are project specifications provided here, there was no additional guidance provided, meaning that we had to teach ourselves all of the necessary technologies. We simulated a realistic industry workflow with sprints, user stories, issues, version control, and development pipelining. There were a wide variety of techonologies used in various phases of the project, all of which are listed on the website. I personally focused on the front-end, so I gained a lot of experience with React, Jest & Selenium, and various Javascript libraries.

Our project itself is called NutriNet. It utilizes ingredients, recipes, and restaurants to help users become more informed about what they eat while also connecting them to new dishes. NutriNet and its database are hosted on AWS, with a Python backend and a Javascript frontend. There are embedded rich media features in each of our instances, as well as filtering, sorting, and searching capabilities. We additionally created an API using Postman, which we used to create dynamic visualizations of our data.

We used our GitLab repo for version control. We have technical reports at various points detailing our user stories, new features, and what we accomplished in the most recent phase. For our final submission, we made a graphic presentation displaying our project as well as our self-critiques. Our group utilized various testing frameworks for the frontend, backend, and API, and these run on each build to make sure that we do not break any of our functionality.

Overall, this was a very informative project and all of us learned a lot about software engineering. Check out Nutrinet here!