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Find out more about who I am here if you haven’t already done so.

This website is made using Jekyll, a Ruby-based static website framework provider, alongside Bundle, a manager for Ruby projects which streamlines the gem control process. This website is additionally hosted on GitHub Pages and enabled through FlatIcon.

The purposes of this website are to:

  • further highlight myself as an individual
  • provide an environment for me to demonstrate and thorougly explain any coding projects that I create
  • allow me to communicate developments relating to my career and occupations, and
  • share any developments in the technological world which I find to be engaging, important, or otherwise noteworthy.

I believe that the only way to learn about programming is to do it. I hope that this website will not only encourage me to use computers to solve the problems around me, but also inspire others to do the same.

I will be updating the website whenever I get the chance, so please come back every once and a while to see my progress. Thank you for visiting!
